Sunday 18 January 2009

From Mumbai to St Peterburg

I haven't been to cinema to watch a movie for a while since it is hardly not to find a cinema with movies dubbed into Italian when I was living in Milan in the past two years.

I joined Anna (I have a friend called Anna wherever I go!:)) last night to watch "Slumdog Millionaire". The movie reminds me of my trip to Mumbai last July. The movie won itself an award, out of a real-life backdrop and many sad stories behind the city....My trip was emotionally disturbing. I was staying in one of the best hotel in the world, and being treated like a "queen". When I was on the street or inside the car, I can see many kids begging and trying to sell something to make a living. Some of them are still living by the streets.....The world is not fair. But, I was glad to see that there are many campaigns going on to help the children. Every kid deserves a chance to change their life and their future generation. Hopefully the good guys outnumber the bad guys, then the world will become fairer....

Today is a sunny day...I went out for a quick walk. Then, I came back and started watching "Russian Ark", a movie brings me inside The Hermitage( in St Peterburg. It is an odd movie, I love its settings inside The Hermitage, however I probably don't get the message behind the movie...The movies bring me back to my journey in St Peterburg last October. I have just a few hours between 48 hours to walk around such an impressive and beutiful city. It is a city built out of a dream of Peter The Great, who has travelled to Europe and orchestrated this project. Despite the criticism behind his act, I am amazed by his persistent to realize his dream. I think all of us should have the same spirit and pursue our dreams for life!

I seems to "achieve" a lot for this weekend- 2 movies, The Economist, Jamie's Ministry of Food,laundry, vacumning, cleaning, etc....!

Friday 9 January 2009

Everyday is a special day

Like many of my friends who had attended the same high school (, I used to write a weekly reflection during my secondary school period. It was a homework- sometimes it was just a "burden", but it has trained me to write and to perform constant self-reflection. After years, I realized that those homeworks have become an artifact of my teenage life.

I used to "blog" two years ago, then I stopped since the MBA study in MIP Politecnico di Milano ( consumed more than 24 hours a day.

I moved again recently, into a new location (Reading, UK) and a new job. Even though this is the 5th or 6th move in the past 8 years, everytime I move, I still can't stop feeling sad. However, the excitement of new friends, new things, new culture, new groceries in the shelfs of the supermarket, etc soon replace the sadness. But, it doesn't mean I have forgotten the past and the friends that I have encountered in the past.

CH was in London and we talked about the past. After years of divergence in route, now we cross path again in this part of the world after our previous project assignment back in 2002.... (Pirata, Shamima, Indah- I wish you were here with us again!) Then, Indah wrote few days before the new year. LE called and we had a nice chat. Then, I met Fredy on-line after a long while......It is just so amazing.

In the past few weeks, many memories just flash into my mind... I am feeling lucky, and contented.

The "poor" life but yet "la vita dolce" in Italy (Milano, Cinque Terre, Ischia, Capri, Bologna, Firenze, Rimini, etc)....Summer in Cres.... Nice....Cote d’Azur ...Eze.... Monte Carlo....Class 2.7.....Sunday morning swimming sessions.....Coffee and Tiramisu in DOME KLCC....Ericson Cafe...EMC....Processes and Procedures...Cyberjaya....SCC...Friday long lunch... Cyberview Lodge.....Pasar Malam...Dim Sum....Bangkok....Houston....Westheimer.... San Felipe..... VW Beetle... Porsche.... Foutainview.....Napa Valley...Rod Stewart...San Franciso...New York... Las Vegas... Monument Valley.....New Orleans.... Miami....Disney Land...SDC1 in KL.... Technical Consulting....Cisco... Checkpoint.... PKI.... Schlumberger..... UM..... Physics.... 3rd College.... Melaka.... Munshi.... STPM...Wen Hua..... Batu Berendam....

From now on, I want to share with all of you bits and pieces that excite me in my life through this space. If I haven't written or if I have called in the past few years or even if I am not going to do so in the next few months or years, it doesn't mean that I have forgotten all the moments and memories that we have shared in the past.

Are you there?
