Sunday 18 January 2009

From Mumbai to St Peterburg

I haven't been to cinema to watch a movie for a while since it is hardly not to find a cinema with movies dubbed into Italian when I was living in Milan in the past two years.

I joined Anna (I have a friend called Anna wherever I go!:)) last night to watch "Slumdog Millionaire". The movie reminds me of my trip to Mumbai last July. The movie won itself an award, out of a real-life backdrop and many sad stories behind the city....My trip was emotionally disturbing. I was staying in one of the best hotel in the world, and being treated like a "queen". When I was on the street or inside the car, I can see many kids begging and trying to sell something to make a living. Some of them are still living by the streets.....The world is not fair. But, I was glad to see that there are many campaigns going on to help the children. Every kid deserves a chance to change their life and their future generation. Hopefully the good guys outnumber the bad guys, then the world will become fairer....

Today is a sunny day...I went out for a quick walk. Then, I came back and started watching "Russian Ark", a movie brings me inside The Hermitage( in St Peterburg. It is an odd movie, I love its settings inside The Hermitage, however I probably don't get the message behind the movie...The movies bring me back to my journey in St Peterburg last October. I have just a few hours between 48 hours to walk around such an impressive and beutiful city. It is a city built out of a dream of Peter The Great, who has travelled to Europe and orchestrated this project. Despite the criticism behind his act, I am amazed by his persistent to realize his dream. I think all of us should have the same spirit and pursue our dreams for life!

I seems to "achieve" a lot for this weekend- 2 movies, The Economist, Jamie's Ministry of Food,laundry, vacumning, cleaning, etc....!

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